Power Electronics
System integration


DATE:2021-08-01 SRC:
General Specifications
Mains:100-240 VAC ±10 % 50 to 60 Hz / single phase
Mains protection Temporized double fuse T10AH 250V
Input Power 700 VA max.
Temperature range Storage Operation-10°C à +60°C 0°C à +45°C
Specified accuracy after 1/2 hour warm-up and RH<50 %
Altitude :Up to 2 000 m
Relative humidity:80 % max. @ 31°C
Dimensions & Weight
Height Width Depth:131 mm 440 mm 455 mmm
Weight:approx. 18 kg
Dielectric Strength Function (hipot)
Voltage range :100 ... 5 000 VAC / 100 ... 6 000 VDC - Positive pole connected to bond in DC
Voltage generator accuracy:± (2 % + 5 V) over full voltage range and with a current below 100 μA
DC voltage ripple< 1% with a current < 100 μA
Max D.U.T. capacitance< 1μF (discharge time < 10 sec.) Discharge resistor in DC = 1,5 MΩ
Voltage measurement accuracy:Through a kilovoltmeter directly connected to output. ± (1,5% + 5 Volts) resolution: 600 pts
Short-circuit max. current< 20 mA AC / < 20 mA DC
Default detection modes
Current variation ΔI / Max-Min current / without detection
ΔI detection mode current range:Adjustable from 1 mA ±10 % to 10 mA ± 10% by 1 mA steps, pulse 10 μS ±20 %.
Min/Max detection mode current range:adjustable from 0,001 mA to 9,999 mA by 0,001mA steps
Permanent total current measurement
Resolution 9 999 pts with a shunt installed in the test circuit
Total current accuracy :(in AC and DC)0,001 mA à 9,999 mA ± (2 % + 3 μA)
accuracy in DC with a load > 1 MΩ 10,00 mA à 20,00 mA± (2 % + 0,05 mA)
The rise duration set is active. The output voltage rises to the setpoint. Test stops if there is a fault or if pressing the red button on the front panel.
No rise time is set. Manual control pressing up and down arrows on the touch-screen. Test stops if there is a fault or if pressing the red button on the front panel.
AUTO mode
Test runs in 3 sequences : linear raise up to set voltage (Ramp Up), set output voltage remains applied (Dwell), progressive descent to 0V (Fall)
Ramp Up - Dwell - Fall duration :0,1 à 9999,0 sec. by steps of 0,1sec, accuracy +/- 20 msec.
Insulation Resistance Function
Measurement voltage:20 - 1000 VDC, accuracy ±(1% + 1V), positive pole grounded
Maximum current in measurement circuit :2 mA - 20% / +0%
Max D.U.T. capacitance< 100μF (discharge time < 10 sec.), Discharge resistor 2,2 kΩ
Display resolution:1 999 points - Displayed units: kΩ, MΩ, GΩ, TΩ
Normal mode accuracy
Standard version 200 GΩ : ± (1,5% +1 digit)
Option 2 TΩ and Utest ≤ 200 V DC : ± (2% +1 digit)
Option 2 TΩ avec Utest > 200 V DC : ± (1% x Utest / 100 +1 digit)
Capacitance mode accuracy
(normal mode accuracy) ±100kΩ
Ramp Up - Dwell - Fall duration:0,1 à 9999,0 sec. by steps of 0,1sec, accuracy +/- 20 msec.
Thresholds range:50 kΩ to 200 GΩ (or 2 TΩ )
Thersholds types 1 high and 1 low

1911, Wanting Building 1,Baoyuan Road,Xixiang,Bao'an District,Shenzhen